Digital Marketing

Be seen and heard on the www

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Online presence

The first impression has to be your best.

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Email campaigns

Your customers will want to hear from you with pertinient and interesting emails. Gigaplus can help design graphical templates that make your email stand out in the crowded inbox.

>Digi Mails<

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Apps & You

The future is already here.  Mobile devices are mobile computers that can deliver you services and messages anywhere your customer travels. Gigaplus will get you onboard the mobile revolution. >View screens<

Bookkeeping Institute of Australia

Gigaplus was engaged by BIA, a leading bookeeping institution, to migrate their ageing website with a mobile device friendly online presence and a fresh modern look and feel. The site is hosted at a secure data centre with full e-commerce support.  view>

Emails by the thousands - India comes to town

Roushinis Devi is a cultural ambassador  bringing Indian culture to primary schools and childcare centers around Australia. She has a mere 5000 email address in her database where she can promote upcoming shows with a "click of a button".  - I do 25% more business since I use Gigaplus email campaign solution. I highly recommend it." - Roushini Devi  view>

Glunk - add an app to your business portfolio 

Glunk is an fun app used by people in pubs. Gigaplus can help you deliver a phone app that brings your services and messages to your customers anywhere.    download>